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Data Subject Access Requests.

by Anne-Marie Pearce & filed under Data Protection

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, people have a right to know what information Keelman Homes holds about them.

You have a right to know the information that Keelman Homes holds about you. This includes:

  • what information we hold
  • what we use the information for
  • who we have disclosed that information to
  • who we may disclose that information to

You can make a request for this information by completing a ‘data subject access request’.

Once we receive your request, we will contact you to verify your information. Keelman Homes then has one calendar month to respond to your request and supply you with all the information that you have requested. In exceptional circumstances where requests are complex or numerous, we can extend this by a further two months, but we would let you know if this is the case. We will supply the information in the format requested, either electronically or on paper.

All information given to you will have other people’s identifiable information removed. Occasionally we will refuse to give you the information requested where the other individuals could still be directly or indirectly identified.

If you don’t agree with our decision, you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can do this by contacting them at:

 Submitting a request

 To submit a data subject access request:


